Today, more Tribes are hearing the Gospel than ever before

God does the work and God gets the glory. How grateful we are, for people like you who partner with us and pray for the ministry of NTM. Thank you.

Your partnership means the great task of tribal church planting is happening in your generation, in your day. Together, we can give the gospel message to all peoples one village at a time. One Bible at a time.

Macon serves as Director of NTM Communications and chief editor of the NTM@Work magazine, Macon helps missionaries convey the purpose and vision of NTM and challenge people to greater involvement in what God is accomplishing globally. Nothing excites him more than seeing people turned onto missions.

Katy works alongside her husband as secretary, disciples young women and seeks to build and support her family with a God-centered love and wisdom. She also has a passion to see missionary women encouraged and fulfilled in their ministry.

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