Aloha and welcome to my page! I hope you find encouragement as you read this and more than anything see and hear of the Lord's goodness and faithfulness! I currently live in Southern California with my two goldendoodles, Remy and Charley, love all things sports, Disney, and my greatest joy in life is being a foster mama.

I joined staff in 2009 with Cru (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ), and have served with Epic, ministering and empowering Asian American students and faculty on a variety of levels both locally and nationally. As a staff member with Epic/Cru, I have the privilege of WINning others to Christ as I give students the opportunity to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus. I have the opportunity to BUILD, as I shepherd staff and students in their walk with the Lord. Two of the ways this happens is through discipleship and/or evangelism. I also have the joy and privilege of SENDing, as students, and myself, attend conferences and participate in summer missions or vision trips. I love being a part of bringing the Gospel to the world!

I am continually building up my team of ministry partners, people who will partner with me, either financially or in prayer. Through my team of partners, I have the unique opportunity of reaching students and faculty here in Southern California. My heart more than anything is that students would walk deeply with Jesus, have compassion for those around them, and live and love like Jesus.

It is a joy and privilege for me to be on staff with Epic/ Cru. I love being a part of peoples' lives, both staff and students. There is nothing more exciting than seeing God change the life of someone as they enter into a relationship with Him or begin to understand what it means to live a life fully surrendered. I am grateful that the Lord allows me to play a small part in what He's already doing on university campuses.

For more info on what God is doing through Cru, check out www.cru.org